0 0By admindinatechIn En otros medios Posted 30 June, 2023The Morning After: ASUS attempts the flagship compact smartphone, againI’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again here: There aren’t many options left when it comes to true Leer mas Via:: EngadgetRead More
0 0By admindinatechIn En otros medios Posted 30 June, 2023Joby Aviation's first production air taxi cleared for flight testsJoby Aviation has been cleared by the FAA (Federal Aviation Authority) to start flight tests on its first production prototype Leer mas Via:: EngadgetRead More
0 0By admindinatechIn En otros medios Posted 30 June, 2023Facebook may let EU users download apps directly from adsMeta is gearing up to debut a new type of Facebook ads that will allow users in the European Union Leer mas Via:: EngadgetRead More
0 0By admindinatechIn En otros medios Posted 30 June, 2023YouTube test threatens to block viewers if they continue using ad blockersYouTube is looking to take a more aggressive approach in preventing viewers from using ad blockers while watching videos on Leer mas Via:: EngadgetRead More
0 0By admindinatechIn En otros medios Posted 29 June, 2023Call of Duty is using clones of real players to mess with cheatersActivision has employed a string of tactics in its cat-and-mouse battle with Call of Duty cheaters, from making them unable Leer mas Via:: EngadgetRead More
0 0By admindinatechIn En otros medios Posted 29 June, 2023'Blade Runner 2033: Labyrinth' is a new game set between the two moviesAnnapurna Interactive is developing a game based on the iconic science fiction film Blade Runner. The game’s set between the Leer mas Via:: EngadgetRead More
0 0By admindinatechIn En otros medios Posted 29 June, 2023'Storyteller' is the latest hot indie game coming to NetflixStoryteller is a game about writing, word puzzles and the twisted tales we tell ourselves just to get through the Leer mas Via:: EngadgetRead More
0 0By admindinatechIn En otros medios Posted 29 June, 2023‘Thirsty Suitors’ pits you against pining exes on November 2ndAnnapurna Interactive’s Thirsty Suitors trailer wraps with the tagline: “Battle Your Exes. Disappoint Your Parents. Find Yourself.” (If that doesn’t Leer mas Via:: EngadgetRead More
0 0By admindinatechIn En otros medios Posted 29 June, 2023Cyberpunk cat adventure 'Stray' heads to Xbox on August 10thOne of 2022’s cutest – and dare I say best – games is heading to Xbox. Annapurna Interactive announced today Leer mas Via:: EngadgetRead More
0 0By admindinatechIn En otros medios Posted 29 June, 2023'to a T' is a coming-of-age game about a T-posing teenagerIn to a T, players have to navigate the world as a teenager who can’t lower their arms from an Leer mas Via:: EngadgetRead More