Awesome Games Done Quick (AGDQ) 2024 has wrapped after a nonstop weeklong speedrunning marathon. This year’s charity raised over $2.5 Leer mas Via:: Engadget
As mortgage lender LoanDepot continues recovery efforts from a ransomware attack, it revealed on Monday that hackers stole data from Leer mas Via:: Engadget
Apple just dropped a trailer for its forthcoming sci-fi mystery series Constellation. The series follows an astronaut, played by Noomi Leer mas Via:: Engadget
A cyberattack hit Carnegie Mellon University last summer and the attackers breached personal data, according to a disclosure from the Leer mas Via:: Engadget
Major apparel supplier VF Corp followed up on its December cyberattack disclosure, with its latest Securities and Exchange Commission form Leer mas Via:: Engadget