0 0By admindinatechIn En otros medios Posted 4 August, 2022The best Nintendo Switch games for 2022Just five years ago, Nintendo was at a crossroads. The Wii U was languishing well in third place in the Leer mas Via:: EngadgetRead More
0 0By admindinatechIn En otros medios Posted 4 August, 2022Canon EOS R7 review: A strong start for RF-mount crop sensor camerasCanon launched the EOS R7 and R10 APS-C RF-S mount cameras earlier this year, finally introducing lens compatibility between crop-sensor Leer mas Via:: EngadgetRead More
0 0By admindinatechIn En otros medios Posted 4 August, 2022Crab-inspired artificial vision system works on land and underwaterThere had been many previous attempts to develop cameras that mimic the eyes of insects, fish and other living creatures. Leer mas Via:: EngadgetRead More
0 0By admindinatechIn En otros medios Posted 4 August, 2022Microsoft Teams has finally been optimized for Apple Silicon MacsMicrosoft has finally released a version of Teams optimized to run Apple Silicon Macs, it announced. “For Mac users, this Leer mas Via:: EngadgetRead More
0 0By admindinatechIn En otros medios Posted 4 August, 2022SoundCloud is laying off 20 percent of its workforceSoundCloud is joining the depressingly long list of companies in the tech industry that are letting personnel go due to Leer mas Via:: EngadgetRead More
0 0By admindinatechIn En otros medios Posted 4 August, 2022The Morning After: Winamp, your old MP3 software of choice, is backWinamp is the music software that just won’t die. In the first update in four years, the producers described it Leer mas Via:: EngadgetRead More
0 0By admindinatechIn En otros medios Posted 4 August, 2022Report: Apple retaliated against women who complained about misconductThe Financial Times has published a lengthy report saying that Apple has fostered a culture of apathy toward reports of Leer mas Via:: EngadgetRead More
0 0By admindinatechIn En otros medios Posted 4 August, 2022US Attorneys General will take legal action against telecom providers enabling robocallsThe Attorneys General of all 50 states have joined forces in hopes of giving teeth to the seemingly never-ending fight Leer mas Via:: EngadgetRead More
0 0By admindinatechIn En otros medios Posted 3 August, 2022Lucid Motors has drastically reduced its production target, againLuxury EV startup Lucid Motors changed its yearly production target again, lowering it to an expected output of between 6,000 Leer mas Via:: EngadgetRead More
0 0By admindinatechIn En otros medios Posted 3 August, 2022NASA says retired astronauts must act as sherpas on private flights to the ISSNASA will soon require a retired astronaut to serve as mission commander on all private flights to the International Space Leer mas Via:: EngadgetRead More