0 0By admindinatechIn En otros medios Posted 9 July, 2022Última etapa de la gran peregrinación a La Meca en Arabia SauditaFieles que participan en la peregrinación a La Meca iniciaron el sábado el ritual de la lapidación de Satanás, en Leer mas Via:: La NacionRead More
0 0By admindinatechIn En otros medios Posted 9 July, 2022El ministro de Defensa británico se descarta para sustituir a Johnson al frente del GobiernoEl ministro de Defensa de Reino Unido, Ben Wallace, se ha apartado de la carrera para suceder al primer ministro Leer mas Via:: La NacionRead More
0 0By admindinatechIn En otros medios Posted 9 July, 2022El PP recuerda a Miguel Ángel Blanco en Ermua con un compromiso de derogar la Ley de Memoria HistóricaFeijóo dice que “en estas condiciones ni es memoria ni democrática” y Aznar que “la huella indecente de los herederos Leer mas Via:: La NacionRead More
0 0By admindinatechIn En otros medios Posted 8 July, 2022Biden executive order on abortion access aims to address privacy issuesThe Biden White House took a step toward shoring up some of the privacy issues that have been raised following Leer mas Via:: EngadgetRead More
0 0By admindinatechIn En otros medios Posted 8 July, 2022Elon Musk is officially trying to kill his Twitter takeoverElon Musk is officially trying to pull the plug on the $44 billion deal to buy Twitter. In an SEC Leer mas Via:: EngadgetRead More
0 0By admindinatechIn En otros medios Posted 8 July, 2022Great, there’s a buy now, pay later service for NFTsFor those who desperately yearn to own a certificate of authenticity for a URL pointing to an ugly ape illustration Leer mas Via:: EngadgetRead More
0 0By admindinatechIn En otros medios Posted 8 July, 2022NFL commissioner says the league's own streaming service will launch ahead of the 2022 seasonNFL commissioner Roger Goodell has confirmed the league will launch its own streaming service ahead of the 2022 season. “The Leer mas Via:: EngadgetRead More
0 0By admindinatechIn En otros medios Posted 8 July, 2022NASA reveals details about James Webb Space Telescope's first full-color imagesIt’s only a few days until NASA and its partners on the James Webb Space Telescope project reveal the first Leer mas Via:: EngadgetRead More
0 0By admindinatechIn En otros medios Posted 8 July, 2022Bowers & Wilkins Px7 S2 review: A lot of upgrades at no extra costBowers & Wilkins might be a name many associate with high-endhome audio gear, but the company has been steadily chugging Leer mas Via:: EngadgetRead More
0 0By admindinatechIn En otros medios Posted 8 July, 2022New York law requires gun permit applicants to submit social media accounts for reviewAs of September 1st, New York residents who want to carry concealed handguns will need to submit their social media Leer mas Via:: EngadgetRead More